

Package deals

We have different sets of catering packages for your events! Each package is set depending on the number of people, location, and amount of time you want us to cater. If you see something in one option that you would like to move to another option, we would be more than happy to create a custom package that works best for you, your event, and budget.

Business Catering

Our catering options are based on pricing per person. If you see something in one option that you’d like to move to another option, just let me know and we’d be happy to create a custom package that works best for your group and budget. We try to include a non-dairy item in each option for people who are dairy-free.
(We have a $500 sales minimum per trip. We ask for a $250 deposit and the remaining balance to be paid on the day of the event.)

  • Option 1: $2 per person

    • Each employee has their choice of

      • -Small Cone: 3 oz serving, dipped in a choice of chocolate, peanut butter, or other dip top flavor

      • -Small Dish: 3 oz serving, choice of 1 topping

      • -Small Slush: 12 oz cup, choice of fresh fruit or flavors

  • Option 2: $3 per person

    • Each employee has their choice of

      • -Regular Cone: 5 oz serving, dipped in a choice of chocolate, peanut butter, or other dip top flavor

      • -Regular Dish: 5 oz serving, choice of up to 2 toppings

      • -Regular Slushie: 20 oz cup, choice of fresh fruit or flavors

  • Option 3: $4 per person

    • Each employee has their choice of

      • Sundae – choose up to 2 toppings with whip cream and a cherry

      • Monkey Tail – frozen banana dipped in chocolate, peanut butter or both

      • Cone – 5 oz serving, dipped in a choice of chocolate, peanut butter, or other dip top flavors

      • Cake Balls – choose 3, German Chocolate, Red Velvet, Strawberry, Oreo, Birthday Cake, and a seasonal flavor

      • Regular Size Slushie - 20 oz cup, choice of fresh fruit or flavors

  • Option 4: $4.50 per person

    • Each employee has their choice of:

      • Sundae – choose up to 2 toppings with whip cream and a cherry

      • Float – choice of root beer, coke, or big red

      • Cone – 5 oz serving, dipped in a choice of chocolate, peanut butter, or other dip top flavors

      • Cake Balls – choose 3, German Chocolate, Red Velvet, Strawberry, Oreo, Birthday Cake, and a seasonal flavor Brain Freeze

      • Monkey Tail – frozen banana dipped in chocolate, peanut butter or both

  • Option 5: $5 per person

    • Large Sundae – 7 oz serving, choose up to3 toppings with whip cream and a cherry

      • Float – choice of root beer, coke, or big red

      • Brain Freeze - 20 oz cup, choice of fresh fruit or flavors served with ice cream on top (or without for dairy-free option)

      • Milkshake – mix or match anything you like – up to 3 flavors, served in a 20 oz cup

      • Cake Balls – choose 3, German Chocolate, Red Velvet, Strawberry, Oreo, Birthday Cake, and a seasonal flavor Brain Freeze

      • Monkey Tail – frozen banana dipped in chocolate, peanut butter or both


Event Catering

Pricing is based upon where we're going (travel time), the number of people we'll be serving, and the amount of time you'd like us to serve. (Our sales minimum is $300 inside the Beltway 8 loop.)

  • Option 1: $300 for one hour of service, open menu with up to 40 treats served. Additional treats served at menu prices. Includes sales tax and all travel fees.

  • Option 2: $400 for two hours of service, open menu with up to 60 treats served. Additional treats served at menu prices. Includes sales tax and all travel fees.

  • Option 3: $500 for three hours of service. Open menu with up to 80 treats served. Additional treats served at menu prices. Includes sales tax and all travel fees.

Party Catering

Pricing is based upon where we're going (travel time), the number of people we'll be serving, and the amount of time you'd like us to serve. (Our sales minimum is $300 inside the Beltway 8 loop.)

  • Option 1: $300 for one hour of service, open menu with up to 40 treats served. Additional treats served at menu prices. Includes sales tax and all travel fees.

  • Option 2: $400 for two hours of service, open menu with up to 60 treats served. Additional treats served at menu prices. Includes sales tax and all travel fees.

  • Option 3: $500 for three hours of service. Open menu with up to 80 treats served. Additional treats served at menu prices. Includes sales tax and all travel fees.